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A search for 'Ghosts Of Mississippi' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
479 matches in tracks
  1. The Majestic Mississippi (02:23)
    from Innocents Abroad, The
    Tracks 12-16: Score From Life on the Mississippi
  2. The Majestic Mississippi (02:23)
    from Innocents Abroad And Other Mark Twain Films, The
    Tracks 12-16: Score From Life on the Mississippi
  3. The Majestic Mississippi (02:23)
    from Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
    Tracks 12-16: Score From Life on the Mississippi
  4. The Majestic Mississippi (02:23)
    from Pudd'nhead Wilson
    Tracks 12-16: Score From Life on the Mississippi
  5. The Majestic Mississippi (02:23)
    from Life on The Mississippi
    Tracks 12-16: Score From Life on the Mississippi
  6. The Majestic Mississippi (02:23)
    from Private History Of A Campaign That Failed, The
    Tracks 12-16: Score From Life on the Mississippi
  7. The Majestic Mississippi (02:23)
    from Mysterious Stranger, The
    Tracks 12-16: Score From Life on the Mississippi
  8. "Grim Grinning Ghosts" - Singing Busts (01:07)
    from Haunted Mansion, The
    *Not Featured in Film**Includes Music Not Featured in Film***Different Version Than in Film†Includes “Grim Grinning Ghosts”(Written by Xavier Atencio and Buddy Baker)
  9. Mississippi Mud (00:57)
    from Muppet Show, The
  10. Mississippi Jam (00:56)
    from Blossom Time
  11. Sur le Mississippi (02:41)
    from Tomu Sôyâ No Bôken
  12. Mississippi (03:02)
    from Road To Salina
  13. Mississippi (02:18)
    from Ethel
  14. Old, Old, Mississippi (03:10)
    from Onkel Toms Hütte
  15. Mississippi Mud (01:15)
    from Muppet Show, The
  16. Mississippi (01:25)
    from Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes Of Apollo
  17. Mississippi (03:50)
    from Help, The
  18. Mississippi (03:50)
    from Help, The
  19. The Mississippi (03:15)
    from Valley Of Gwangi: The Classic Film Music Of Jerome Moross, The
  20. The Mississippi (03:15)
    from Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, The
Show all 479 matching tracks